10 Ways To Boost Sales And Win Clients With Email

So, determine your use case, choose your template, and begin sending sales follow up emails to your prospective clients to boost conversions and increase sales. After 12 months of using HubSpot Sales, we saw revenue grow 6X, our sales cycle shortened from 9 months to 4 weeks, and we grew our headcount by 5. Build referral-generating activities into the sales process. Send follow-up emails to make sure customers are happy with their purchases, and then follow that up with another email asking for. A sales strategy is defined as a documented plan for positioning and selling your product or service to qualified buyers in a way that differentiates your solution from your competitors. Sales strategies are meant to provide clear objectives and guidance to your sales organization.

The U.S Chamber of Commerce estimates that 68% of customers who leave a company do so because they feel undervalued.

Allacyn Griffin-May with OveractDev Technology Partners, a customer-focused software design company, recently shared his thoughts on how organizations can create inspiring and positive customer experiences.

Customer service is a part of every business; we all have customers we are trying to create great experiences for. The U.S Chamber of Commerce estimates that 68% of customers who leave a company do so because they feel undervalued.

These 10 easy tips will show you how you can make your customers feel more valued and keep them coming back to your business.

1. Communicate with your customers – Before, during, and after the sale

We all know communication is a vital aspect to a business’s success, well you should anyway, but are you taking every message your customers are getting into consideration. For example, have you considered the message your customers are getting from your website before they even contact you? How are customers greeted when they call your offices?

You have to be conscious of how you communicate before, during and after your engagements with customers because all communication will be considered when customers reflect on their experience with your business. Have you thought about your customer’s wants and needs and addressed those in your messages and interactions?

2. Find your customer service niche

From the start your company should showcase where your expertise lies and define what you can and cannot do. Focus on what you are good at, find what makes your business different from your competitors and exploit it in your messaging. You cannot be everything to everyone, but you can be something to someone.

3. Show real customer appreciation

10 Ways To Boost Sales And Win Clients With Email Address

Do something unexpected for your customers, this can be as simple as sending a handwritten thank you note or birthday card to customers. Offer a customer appreciation program for a month where your customers get a significant discount on your products or services. Think about how much more likely you are to go back to a company that does something unexpected for you; your customers are likely to feel the same way.

4. Focus on resolving problems quickly

Solve customer problems before they know they have problems, anticipate issues and have plans in place to remedy problems quickly and keep your customers informed constantly. There is nothing worse than being in the dark about problems as a customer. If you are proactive rather than reactive your customers will notice and appreciate your efforts. How you handle problems can weigh more in customer’s decision to continue using your company than the problem itself.

5. Make customer interaction simple and easy

Make interactions as easy as possible for the customer, depending on what industry you work in, it can be as simple as taking all forms of credit cards or having your contact information on your website in a highly visible place. This prevents the customer from being frustrated before they contact you. These may seem like no brainers, but if you have ever tried to contact a company and struggled to find the information you needed, you know what I mean. Visit https://www.unsecuredpersonalloansnow.com/unsecured-personal-loans/nevada for more.

6. Encourage customer loyalty

Create a brand that customers relate to, this will encourage customers to trust you and this will create a loyal customer base. You need to consider who your target market is going to be and then you need to take that information into consideration as you start to develop your brand and these two things should be aligned. You will do better business and your customers will appreciate your business more.

7. Empower the customer

Creating an online forum for customers to share stories can make them feel empowered and makes them feel like you are listening to their feedback. In addition to creating a positive customer experience it also gives you the opportunity to remedy problems if needed, promote milestones, and collect customer input. It will also create a community among customers that will promote discussion and increase the amount of time they spend with your brand giving you more opportunities to engage with customers.

8. Understand your customers’ expectations

Research what your customer’s expectations are and align with those expectations. You should already know what your customers are expecting from your products and services, but you should also be managing those expectations. You can set realistic expectations by controlling your messaging, don’t promise the world if you do not have the world to give. There is no better way to create a bad customer experience than to not meet expectations.

9. Live, breathe, and focus on everything for the customer

Customer centric is a phrase many companies are using these days to show that they put their customers first. It is important that this is not just a catchy phrase that is thrown around, but that your company follows through with it.

The customer should be your company culture and culture extends from how your staff is treated to every interaction with customers to every aspect of your business. When customers feel like you are working for them they will know that you work by this.

10. Create a unified company culture

Make sure that when you hire people they place the same importance on your customers as you do. It will not make a difference if you put your customers first, but no one else in the company does. This starts at the top and filters down to everyone in the company. Everyone who is hired goes through training that addresses how employees should handle customer interactions.

Customer experience will take your organization to the next level of customer loyalty

These tips will help your company create positive experiences for your customers and this will dramatically affect your bottom line. Customer experiences are not just an aspect of your business, they are your business.

Social media networks have created a much faster way for customers to communicate their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with your company so you have to make every customer’s experience a positive one.

OveractDev Technology Partners bridges the gap between business needs and technical expertise simply by working alongside our clients and understanding their business objectives. Visit http://overactdev.com for more information about OveractDev Technology Partners

Remember in Season Five of The Office, Michael Scott left Dunder Mifflin to start his own company?

Remember how he and his employees sat around the phone waiting for someone to call? And how after they didn’t get initial sales, they ended up underbidding Dunder Mifflin so much that their company could never make ends meet?

Have you ever felt like you work for Michael Scott Paper Company?

Sales are at the heart of every company, and construction is no exception. If you want a steady stream of clients, these five strategies will help you get on your feet, make more revenue and bring in regular construction clients.


1. Reevaluate what projects you’re bidding on.

So you need clients. The best way to do that is to pitch every remodeling or corporate job, right?


Nothing is more embarrassing than bidding on a project that you can’t afford and then having to turn it down after. It tarnishes your reputation and does nothing for morale.

Instead, focus on what your construction business’s realistic capabilities. Use construction management software to help manage your bids. Construction bidding software can even help figure out what your capabilities are. Stay focused on what your business is good at—and stick to it.

2. Go for the accolades.

One of the best ways to build your brand is to apply for—and win!—business awards.

But you don’t have to start so big. You can focus on accreditations, like Salmon Safe Accreditation, the UK’s Acclaim Accreditation, or ABC’s Accredited Quality Contractors. Post these accreditations on your website and issue press releases when you achieve them. This will help drive attention to your construction business.

As for bigger accolades, like the Construction Project Awards and the Master Design Awards will certainly draw attention to your bids. It’s like a promise of quality.

10 Ways To Boost Sales And Win Clients With Email Addresses

3. Advertise.

You know your niche and you’ve made yourself attractive with some awards and accreditations. Now it’s time to put all that hard work to use.

If you’re doing remodeling work in a neighborhood, show off your brand in as many places as possible. People are always snooping in their neighbors’ business to begin with—might as well give them something to talk about: you.

Ask your clients if you can use them for referrals and list yourself on Yelp. When picking a construction company, clients are going to want to see that you’ve done good work before. They want a brand they can trust.

10 Ways To Boost Sales And Win Clients With Emails

For more information on how to market and brand your construction company, click here.

4. Make it easy for construction clients to reach out to you.

Can a potential client email you? Call you? Instant message you? Tweet you? Facebook message you? Make sure that all of your avenues of communication are open, and have someone ready and available to take prospective buyers’ calls.

10 Ways To Boost Sales And Win Clients With Email Account

Being available means allowing all channels of communication to take leads—and it’s up to you to respond to them. Don’t leave your Twitter account wasting away or your email account cluttered with unread messages.

And if you’re in a more niche part of the construction industry, like an electrician or elevator installer, you shouldn’t hesitate to give out your personal number. Your fast response time means that your customers will be happy that you can fix their problems quickly—and that leads to better reviews and a leg up on your competition.

5. Be human.

In a world where so much is automated, a personal touch can go a long way in the construction industry. Try to get to know your clients—not just what they want out of a contract, but where their daughter is going to college and what their favorite football team is. People love to talk about themselves, so, if they seem to have the time, chat them up.

After completing a job, follow up. Send a thank you note that expresses that you enjoyed working with them and that you hope that they can give you a referral.


These five steps will help your construction company increase its sales. But I’m sure that there are many more opportunities to grow your business than what I’ve mentioned here. How are you attracting new clients? How do you get regular construction clients? What tips and tricks would you like to share? Leave your answers in the comments below!

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