6 Things I Learned About Branding
- 6 Things I Learned About Branding Tips
- 6 Things I Learned About Branding Slogans
- 6 Things I Learned About Branding Quotes
When creating your , it’s imperative that you think about everything from your to color scheme to to the tag line. You also have to have a memorable brand name, strong message, support system, and all of the necessary legalities, like getting trademarked, in place.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an established company, a startup or a solo blogger trying to change the world one line at a time, whether you’re selling a product, service or ideology — you need branding. Top 10 Things To Know About Branding. Logo Design helps people instantly identify you. Color Palette helps people easily recognize you. Branding is the process of giving a meaning to specific organization, company, products or services by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ minds. It is a strategy designed by organizations to help people to quickly identify and experience their brand, and give them a reason to choose their products over the competition’s,. Leaders of every kind can learn from these women. You don’t have to lead a country to be inspired by these women. During the pandemic, women in organizations and corporations have shown that we can all use our positions to effect change. Branding generates new customers. Branding can also help a business get word-of-mouth referrals. After all, would a client be able to tell a friend about Discover, Learn & Grow if they couldn’t remember the brand of the learning center? The most profitable companies, small and large, have a single thing in common. Aug 14, 2016 It doesn’t matter if you’re an established company, a startup or a solo blogger trying to change the world one line at a time, whether you’re selling a product, service or ideology — you need branding. Top 10 Things To Know About Branding. Logo Design helps people instantly identify you. Color Palette helps people easily recognize you.
But, that’s only the beginning of your process. To help you complete creating your awesome brand, give these nine tips a spin as well.
1. How do people see you?
“The interesting thing about your personal brand is it’s never what you say it is, it’s actually what everyone else says it is,” writes founder and chairman of the award-winning matchmaking firm PCBA Paul C. Brunson. “Therefore, the first place to begin in the building and growth of your brand is to know what people think of you.”
Paul adds that you can find out how others view by: “googling yourself, holding a focus group (of close friends), or asking a life coach or coach to conduct a 360 analysis on your behalf (we do this for all of our clients and it’s very effective).”
2. Build your online platform.
Blogger, author, digital strategist, and speaker Jeff Bullas recommends that you, “Build your own online platform such as a or website that you own, then amplify your content and engage with your audience on .” Be adds, “Use , Facebook or Twitter or even and . You have options. Find what social network resonates with you.”
“The secret. Don’t wait to be perfect. Just start.”
Here are a couple of pointers to keep in mind when creating your brand;
- Be authentic.
- Have a unique voice.
- Build an email list.
- Have a memorable design.
- Create a memorable slogan that expresses your mission and purpose
- Empower your customers
Also don’t forget to harness the power of content marketing, guest blogging and networking.
Related: How to Build Your Brand Name Through Social Media: A Primer
3. Weave your brand into everything you do.
should be a large part of everything you do. It should be weaved into your life. It shouldn't just be in the clothes you wear but in your every action with friends and business colleagues.
Your brand should show in how you blog online. For example, my personal brand always is helping entrepreneurs. When I attend networking events I try to have the same person you read about online, shine at networking events. If you try to be someone you're not, it will show.
4. Be consistent.
As a customer, think about the that you are most loyal to. Chances are that they’ve earned your trust because they are dependable. For example, is known for delivering superior customer service. Dropbox includes its signature hand drawn blue box logo on all of its messaging.
Bot examples prove at just just how important consistency is for brands.
As Hannah Fleishman states on HubSpot, “All of your communications and marketing assets should tell your brand’s story.”
5. Don’t try to please everyone.
Years ago at a marketing conference, my friend Jonathan Long from Market Domination Media told me that 'You're never going to please everyone, so don't try to be everything to everyone. Learn to be the best brand possible to specific set of users.' This still sticks out to me as myself as a business owner really can't do everything. If I try and please everyone.... it's not even possible.
Don’t be afraid to be yourself - even if that means saying the things that no one else will. Remember, you’re not in business to please everyone. You're in business to grow a business, not please everyone.
Related: Why Building Your Business Comes Before Building Your Brand
7. Produce value.
You should be producing value with whatever you do. You don't have to be Apple to have an amazing product. Even lower end products like Ikea produce a lot of value to their customers.
When thinking about the value that you can add, ask questions like;
6 Things I Learned About Branding Tips
- What sets your product, service and company apart from your competitors?
- What value do you provide and how does that value differ from that provided by your competitors?
- How do these benefits tap into your customer’s emotions?
- Is what I'm producing for my customer produce enough value for the price I'm charging?
- Is my brand in sync with how I'm marketing myself?
8. Associate yourself with strong brands.
“Your personal brand is strengthened or weakened by your connection to other brands,” said Shama Hyder is Founder and CEO of Marketing Zen. “Find and leverage strong brands which can elevate your own personal brand.”
You can begin by looking at the three C’s: company, college, colleagues.
For example, you could contribute content to your alumni or company newsletter or blog.
Related: 4 Signs You're Doing All the Wrong Things as an Entrepreneur
9. Get sneaky with brand-building awareness.
Finally, you can start spreading brand awareness by using some outside-of-the-box techniques like;
- Setting up a referral program.
- Creating an infographic.
- Offering freemium content.
- Partnering with local businesses.
- Wrapping your car with ads.
- Giving away swag.
- Running a social media contest.
- Hosting a podcast.
- Setting up PPC ads and a remarketing campaign.
How have your created your awesome brand?
I have a new fictional fashion hero.
She has an unwavering penchant for silk blouses, loves a classic pump, and relaxes with a stiff whiskey and a satin robe. She is Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson from BBC’sThe Fall. And she is fabulous.
Played by the incredible Gillian Anderson, Stella dons a smart and sexy wardrobe to match her no-nonsense, yet mysteriously seductive character.
Her style reminds me of none other than Claire Underwood in a slightly less severe manner. It is pretty and professional in the most unforgettable way.
After finishing both seasons of The Fall, I still cannot get enough of the DSI and her scene-stealing looks. So while we eagerly await season 3, here are 6 things I’ve learned from Stella’s wardrobe, and how it can work in real life.
1. Silk blouses are the new power suit.
Stella looooves silk blouses, and is not afraid to wear them every day, in every way. Throughout the series, she sports a variety of styles, worn with either a pencil skirt or classic black trousers. It is a professional choice with an unabashed feminine touch. Unlike a cotton button-down, which Claire prefers, the silk makes the outfit appear more fluid and approachable, yet still entirely work-appropriate.
While silk can tend to be transparent, I would recommend either a nude bra in one shade darker than your skin tone, or a fitted tank underneath. (I often sing the praises of this reversible one from Anthropologie.)
2. Neutrals are more than just black, white and grey.
Stella’s palette is made up of blushes, taupes, and creams teamed with blacks, olives, and browns on the bottom. Those lighter hues are what I like to call new neutrals, as they play well with a variety of other colors, but provide a welcome break from standard white. It goes to show that you don’t have to go to extremes in order to insert some color into your wardrobe.
3. Tucking makes a difference.
Stella is very much into the full tuck, and it improves the look immensely. Many women are wary of tucking, as they believe it will draw attention to their mid-sections. However, tucking can be beneficial, especially with a silk blouse, as it decreases volume, and anchors the silky feel. And she’s not afraid of tucking into a pant with belt loops without wearing a belt. Belts are not mandatory just because the pant allows for them!
4. Off-duty style can go beyond jeans.
When she’s not in work clothes, we either see Stella in a satin robe, or an off-duty hotel bar look that makes the rest of the patrons look like slobs. I can’t get this particular outfit out of my head. It is so simple, yet so genius, and I give major kudos to the costume designer Maggie Donnelly for creating this believable, memorable night look for Stella. Of course Stella wouldn’t wear jeans. That’s so plebeian. Instead, she opts for a sporty take on the black trouser in the form of Rag & Bone slinky drawstring pants, with a sleek draped cardigan over a simple silk shell.
Yes, Stella makes a cardigan look sexy. All bow to Stella.
5. Mix & match pieces are crucial.
6 Things I Learned About Branding Slogans

While Claire re-wears entire outfits, Stella is more of a mix & match kind of gal, donning the same separates in different ways. This is where those neutrals come in handy, as everything in her closet goes seamlessly with everything else. It’s akin to a professional male’s wardrobe of a few suits and a plethora of shirts to wear under them.
6 Things I Learned About Branding Quotes
Some may consider this approach to dressing boring, but it can also be read as highly efficient. Especially if you are in charge of a murder case and barely have time to grab a meal, let alone waste precious seconds in front of your closet each morning.
6. Shimmer shadow for the win.
Lastly, I want to take a moment to acknowledge makeup. Stella’s use of shimmer eyeshadow works incredibly well for her. It’s a daytime look that offers a flattering finish without being too extravagant or distracting. I’ve actually stumbled across Laura Mercier’s shadow stick in my own search for subtle daytime makeup, and find it to be an amazing little pick-me-up for the eyes.
For your own take on Stella style, scroll through my top silk blouse suggestions. And follow my latest Pinterest board for more Stella-inspired gems!