Mac Power Pro G5 Manual
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Mac Power Pro G5 Manual Download
The Apple Power Mac G5 has MacOS X 10.4.2 (8E90) pre-installed on it and runs on a “dual-core” 2.5 GHz PowerPC 970MP (G5) processor. Its graphics are supported by an NVIDIA GeForce 6600 video card with 256 MB of GDDR SDRAM. Memory & Architecture. The Apple Power Mac G5 device is built with a 32k/64k level 1 cache and 1 MB level 2 on-chip cache. All models pack 64-bit PowerPC 970 (G5) processors in an easy-to-upgrade aluminum tower case design with a single external optical drive bay. Aluminum tower Macs with dual optical drive bays are Mac Pro models. Complete Power Macintosh G5 technical specs are below. For answers to all your Power Mac G5 questions, see the Power Macintosh G5 Q&A.
Mac Power Pro G5 Manual Download
G5, G4, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

Posted on Sep 21, 2010 4:04 PM