Please, Please Drive Safely...

Content category: cars, Content type: video, duration:, dimensions: x. This is a film about the wider effects of dangerous driving, so is an advertisement for a safer society. The subject of the advertisement suffers flashbacks. Please by the grace of God let’s all get back to driving safely, obeying the laws that have been in place for many, many years, and stop thinking about just yourself when you get into your vehicle. The State Police is reminding everyone to drive safely this holiday weekend. The State Police will have extra patrols on the road enforcing DWI, speed, distracted driving, seat belt and general vehicle and traffic safety.
What happened?
An older couple were on a country side drive in Sweden…

A motorcyclist was rounding a curve doing about 85 MPH…

The driver was on her cellphone, and was making a turn into the, normally un-busy, intersection…

Experts agree that the motorcyclist had approximately 1.5 seconds to react to the VW sitting in the middle of the road…
The three individuals in this crash died instantly. The motorcyclist (and the motorcycle) were actually found inside the VW…
This car accident would of easily been avoided if the driver wasn’t on her cell phone and simply looked left…
The force of impact actually flipped the car on it’s roof, 20 feet from the point of collision.
Please Drive Safely Images
THE horrendous images we will inevitably see on television and in newspapers at this time of year should make us all think twice about our driving behaviour. Pictures of burnt-out cars, vehicles slammed into trees and injured people being loaded into the back of ambulances are the last thing any of us want to imagine. Sadly, that is the tragic reality for too many families across every Christmas and New Year break. But spare a thought for those people who cannot turn away when the images get too real, those people whose job it is to bear witness to the worst of the horrors on our roads. Paramedics, police officers and firefighters are subjected to horrors well beyond the sanitised images we are fed through mainstream media. They are the people who, during any shift, can be called to scenes of trauma and bloodshed that can never be unseen. And they are the people we should keep in mind these holidays as we all set out on the road. Because we can all do our bit to help make our roads safer and to make their shifts at work less horrific. Those simple steps we can take are nothing new; rather, it's a message emergency services have been trying to get through to us for years. Fatigue, inattention, speed and stupidity can all cause fatal crashes. It's the same story every day of the year, but Christmas and the summer holidays bring their own added risks. Roads are busy and drivers may attempt to push through fatigue or dangerous conditions in a bid to get to their destination just that little bit sooner. Every holiday period there are stories about drivers being arrested for travelling at high speed or when they were well over the drink-driving limit. The question has been posed time and again, yet police, paramedics and firefighters are still left asking: Was it worth your life? Would arriving just a few minutes later have really mattered that much? Every year, families across Australia are left to deal with the heartbreaking reality of having lost a loved one or loved ones over the Christmas and New Year break. While most families are celebrating, they are left grieving and that terrible grieving will return for them every Christmas and New Year to come. Taking risks on the road is simply never worth it.