Rampart Needs More Dmg In Blackout
'Full-auto assault rifle. High damage with slower rate of fire.' — In-game description The Rampart 17is an assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. It has a MKII variant available from Reserve Crates. 1 Specifications 2 Attachments 2.1 Optics 2.2 Other 3 Multiplayer 4 Zombies 5 Gallery 6 Trivia Ammo (Blackout): 7.62mm Operator Mod: None Reflex Recon Holographic Dual Zoom Threat. . The 'Rampart' cluster might be bottle-necking you into an action. In other words, it could be forcing you to use Leap Slam every 4 seconds to maintain Rampart's benefits. Personally, I find this tedious and you could refund those passives, upgrade your defense in other ways, and save a couple of points. However, this is more of a personal flavor. Needs more testing though. An easier way to say this is that non hipfire accuracy increases will group the recoil pattern more tightly but doesn't actually change the pattern, unlike how most games handle recoil reduction (by just reducing the X or Y independently thus wildly changing variable pattern kick).

Rampart Needs More Dmg In Blackout Ammo

Hey guys a new exile here and I need some help deciding what passives to take next and what gear to upgrade(can spend about 30c or a bit more if its really good) Path of planning build https://pastebin.com/1Y35nUrg Thanks. Last bumped on May 23, 2017, 3:58:16 PM | Posted by Yamsan on May 19, 2017, 7:30:21 AM |
uh ya ok. ur a 2h sword who likes dmg. dunno how u got to 80. first, slayer. you don't need more leech, ok? gladiator is the best ascend in the game. 2nd is ranger. slayer is terrible. u can buy a rare leech amulet or carnage heart very easily for 30c, just don't look for something like I wear. i'm probably the best cleave duelist in the world. funnily my best amulet would probably sell for 20c now. It used to be worth like 7exa. so, um, ya. to take that much dmg has a cost, and for u it's general defense. it's important to have defense in this game unless you want to run blue tier 4s forever. there's a path of exile wiki. click around. ya. yw. | Posted by sawseech on May 20, 2017, 4:29:26 AM |
Posted by Yamsan on May 20, 2017, 2:32:32 PM | |
Welcome to PoE :) First, please note that the link you provided wasn't working for me. As such, I looked on your character's profile. Here's some advice: * You have Iron Reflexes, but not Unwavering Stance, even though you're only a couple of points away from it. Unwavering Stance could be a saving grace to avoid getting stun-locked. Furthermore, consider spending more points in armor nodes [or evasion nodes, since all your evasion is converted to armor] for more defense. Moreover, Herald of Ash is good, but consider Grace [if you're still going to use Iron Reflexes] and/or Determination, which will give you a large amount of armor. * The 'Deadly Dilettante' and 'By the Blade' clusters on the tree are not optimal because you're only benefiting from the Sword portions of those passives. Consider refunding those points and spending them on something more applicable. Also remember that the pathing you take to get to certain nodes is important - carefully consider how many points it takes to obtain the node see if it's worth it. * The 'Rampart' cluster might be bottle-necking you into an action. In other words, it could be forcing you to use Leap Slam every 4 seconds to maintain Rampart's benefits. Personally, I find this tedious and you could refund those passives, upgrade your defense in other ways, and save a couple of points. However, this is more of a personal flavor. * Is there a reason why you're using Astramentis? Unless you're scaling stats for a specific reason (i.e. using The Baron), Astramentis doesn't serve much of a purpose. If it's not necessary, switch to something more applicable. A good example is the new version of Carnage Heart, which synergizes nicely with Slayer. * You didn't pick up the two nodes that each give you +1 to maximum Endurance Charges. Since you're using a blasphemied Warlord's Mark, I would strongly suggest investing in sources that increasing your maximum Endurance Charges. This can also be done with the bandit reward from Merciless and certain corruptions. Furthermore, you can include a CWDT + Immortal Call setup to give yourself a decent length of immunity to physical damage. * Witchfire Brew is out of place. From what I see, you don't have a source of +1 to the maximum number of curses. As such, your Warlord's Mark and the Vulnerability from Witchfire Brew would conflict. Consider changing Witchfire Brew to something more applicable. Building on this premise, Atziri's Promise is also out of place; since you're not scaling elemental damage by much, you're not gaining the full benefits from Atziri's Promise. * Your Kendo's Pride is only a 4-link. With the Artisan's Bench, you can change this to a 5-link with the right number of Orbs of Fusing; this isn't hard to achieve and going from a 4-link to a 5-link would be a major improvement to your Ancestral Warchief. Also in regards to links, what's your plan with your gloves? You have a 3-link and a random socket; two of these sockets aren't in use. * A further note on Kendo's Pride - it doesn't really fit your build. You already cannot land critical strikes due to Resolute Technique, so half of the mods on Kendo's Pride are moot. Also, from what I see, you have no way to apply bleeding, so you don't gain the 50% increased melee physical damage. Doomsower (which is fairly cheap) might be a good interim 2-handed sword until you can find a better one. Last edited by kaype on May 23, 2017, 4:46:21 AM | Posted by kaype on May 23, 2017, 4:42:48 AM |
First of all, thanks a lot for the detailed post it was very insightful. I just pretty much threw together whatever I could afford and advice I was given but it turns out that my first char ended up being bad after all. I've decided to make a new character (and revamp my duelist after 3.0.0)since I got a bit lucky and got about 300c somehow. I'd really appreciate it if you can tell me your thoughts about the assassin that I'm going to build which I think I've done a good job planning. http://pastebin.com/H3DGYaXX (Using hybrid since its cheaper and the only downside that I can think of is not being able to leech es) Last edited by Yamsan on May 23, 2017, 4:02:06 PM | Posted by Yamsan on May 23, 2017, 3:58:16 PM |
Rampart Needs More Dmg In Blackout Curtains

Rampart Needs More Dmg In Blackout Mode
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