Synthesis:mr. Mac's Virtual Existence

Jul 04, 2020 Whereas the older Macs with Intel-based processors used x86–64 architecture. With this transition, Mac devices will be able to run apps made for iOS and iPadOS without any change to the code. Macs may be able to turn a wall or any surface into a touch input device in the future, with Apple researching ways to add touch-based interactions to a surface that doesn't have any capability.

Alacritty might just be the fastest cross-platform terminal emulator in existence. You can easily customize it to your liking by creating a .ymlconfig file. Alacritty doesn’t create the config file for you, but it looks for one in the following locations:


  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty.yml
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty.yml
  • $HOME/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
  • $HOME/.alacritty.yml


    • %APPDATA%alacrittyalacritty.yml

NOTE: you can referrence the default alacritty.ymlconfig file here.

Ok, now that we took care of the config file, let’s apply a theme. You have two options here: You can either search for themes and manually copy-paste the color scheme into your alacritty.ymlconfig file or use a CLI tool called alacritty-themes which comes preconfigured with over 150 themes.


Synthesis:mr. Mac
  • Install with npm: npm i -g alacritty-themes
  • If you are using npx you don’t have to install the package: npx alacritty-themes
  • Arch Linux ( and derivates ) users can install alacritty-themes from the AUR.


Once installed, all you have to do is run alacritty-themes. Choose the theme from the list of options by typing the theme name and press Enter to apply. You can also navigate with j and k keys for up/down.

The list of options are cycled through automatically so you can go to the last theme by just pressing up arrow key. The search is fuzzy so you can enter any part of the theme name to search.

If you don’t have a config file already in place, alacritty-themes will create one for you. Applying a theme will take immediate effect. Otherwise, just restart alacritty.

Synthesis:mr. Mac's Virtual Existence Items

Also, you can aliasalacritty-themes to at to save time.