Testsvista Adult School's Professional Business Academy
- Testsvista Adult Schools Professional Business Academy Login
- Testsvista Adult Schools Professional Business Academy Charter School
Throughout this course you will be taking these tests as a group. If you are unable to be present in class on a test day, please see your instructor for the test form. Over 1,500 colleges and universities consider Study.com's college courses for transfer credit, so you can save time and money on your education. Use Study.com's online high school courses to learn. ABE programs are free and available to the public through public schools, libraries, community-based organizations, and other groups. What ABE covers. Programs teach basic skills such as reading, math, high school equivalency preparation, and English as a Second Language (ESL) for non-native speakers. Find Adult Basic Education near you. NWTC's Corporate Training & Economic Development (CTED) offers training and seminars to meet the ever-expanding continuing education needs of adult professionals in Northeast Wisconsin - when & where you need it, at a cost-effective price.

Continuing Education Credit for APSWI Courses
Continuing education is available for most APSWI eLearnings. Check the course description to determine if continuing education credits will be offered for a particular eLearning.
The Academy is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs, Provider #91928. The Academy is also approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # BRN CEP15014. The Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Certificates will be available for download 5-7 business days after course completion. CE Certificates for eLearning courses are available immediately after completion of the posttest.
PAPGPC credit: In order to receive credits, PA/G/C must mail a copy of the CE certificate of completion and fee to the address below.
$7.50 check payable to CA State Assoc. of PA/PG/PC
Mailing address: CA State Assoc. of PA PG PC – PO Box 171, Beaumont, CA 92223
Testsvista Adult Schools Professional Business Academy Login
The Academy’s CE provider agreement stipulates that participants cannot receive CEs if they are more than 15 minutes late to an in-person training or live webinar. Additionally, participants who arrive more than 30 minutes late will not be permitted to attend the training. Please email APSTRAINING@sdsu.edu for ADA accommodations for training sessions.
Testsvista Adult Schools Professional Business Academy Charter School
We are a Pearson Vue authorized testing center and offer the GED exam via computer. To sign up for the GED you must first register through www.GED.com; all registration, scheduling and payments is done through the GED website. The GED exam consists of four parts: Reasoning Through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science and Social Studies. The cost is $35 per exam or $140 for all four parts. More information can be found at the www.ged.com website.
We are an ETS authorized testing center and offer the HiSET exam via computer or paper/pencil. The State of California has recently approved the HiSET exam, which is an alternative to the GED. To sign up you must first register through www.hiset.org; all registration, scheduling and payment is done through the HiSET website. The exam consists of five parts: Language Arts Reading, Language Arts Writing, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. The cost of the first test is $44 (which includes the $20 State fee) and all subtests after that would be $24 each. All tests purchased include 2 retakes. More information can be found at the www.hiset.org website.