Xcode Download Dmgeverdirty

The current version of Xcode can be accessed either through the App store, or the Xcode downloads page. Older versions of Xcode can be found by logging into the Apple Developer Downloads page and searching for the version of Xcode. This wikiHow teaches you how to install Xcode on a Mac or a Windows PC running VirtualBox. Since Xcode is only available for macOS, you need to download a virtual machine to emulate a Mac.

Hey folks!

We’ve just launched an Xcode 8.3.3 (Build 8E3004b) image!

Be sure to check out our summary of supported Xcodeversionsfor quick reference on the Xcode and OS X versionswe have available.

Simply add the following to your travis.yml to use the Xcode 8.3.3 image:

Yes, this does replace the current Xcode 8.3 image.

Details on the new image

Xcode 12 Dmg

See below for more details on what’s on the image.

Updated Xcode Tools

  • Carthage is 0.23.0
  • CocoaPods is 1.2.1
  • fastlane is 2.37.0
  • RubyMotion is 4.18
  • xcpretty is 0.2.8
  • xctool is 0.3.1

Ruby versions installed with rvm

** Note that these have changed drastically since the past few images**

  • ruby-2.3.3
  • ruby-2.4.1 (default)

Node.js versions installed with nvm:

  • 0.8.28
  • 0.10.48
  • 0.12.17
  • 5.12.0
  • 6.9.1

Tools installed with homebrew:

  • adns 1.5.1
  • autoconf 2.69
  • automake 1.15
  • boost 1.64.0_1
  • carthage 0.23.0
  • cgal 4.9.1
  • cmake 3.8.2
  • coreutils 8.27
  • dirmngr 1.1.1_3
  • freexl 1.0.2
  • gdal 1.11.5_2
  • gdbm 1.13
  • geos 3.6.1
  • gettext
  • giflib 5.1.4
  • git 2.13.1
  • gmp 6.1.2
  • gnupg 2.1.21
  • gnutls 3.5.12_2
  • go 1.8.3
  • gpg-agent 2.0.30_3
  • icu4c 58.2
  • java 1.8.0_112-b16
  • jpeg 8d
  • json-c 0.12
  • libassuan 2.4.3_1
  • libevent 2.1.8
  • libffi 3.2.1
  • libgcrypt 1.7.7
  • libgeotiff 1.4.2
  • libgpg-error 1.27
  • libksba 1.3.5
  • liblwgeom 2.1.5_3
  • libpng 1.6.29
  • libspatialite 4.3.0a_3
  • libssh 0.7.5
  • libtasn1 4.12
  • libtiff 4.0.8
  • libtool 2.4.6_1
  • libunistring 0.9.7
  • libusb 1.0.21
  • libusb-compat 0.1.5_1
  • libxml2 2.9.4_3
  • libyaml 0.1.7
  • lzlib 1.8
  • maven 3.5.0
  • md5deep 4.4
  • mercurial 4.2.1
  • mpfr 3.1.5
  • msgpack 2.1.1
  • nettle 3.3
  • node 8.0.0_1
  • npth 1.5
  • oclint 0.11,15.6.0
  • openssl 1.0.2l
  • openssl@1.1 1.1.0f
  • p11-kit 0.23.7
  • pcre 8.40
  • pinentry 1.0.0
  • pkg-config 0.29.2
  • postgis 2.3.2
  • postgresql 9.6.3
  • proj 4.9.3
  • pth 2.0.7
  • pyenv 1.0.10_1
  • python 2.7.13
  • readline 7.0.3_1
  • sfcgal 1.3.1
  • sqlite 3.19.2
  • swiftlint 0.19.0
  • tmate 2.2.1_3
  • wget 1.19.1_1
  • xctool 0.3.1
  • xquartz 2.7.11

More details are available in the Xcode 8.3 image documentation.

If there are any packages you’d like to see added to our OSX images, please file a Github Issue and include [osx request] in your subject line.

As always, if you have any questions or issues with the new images, please email support@travis-ci.com.

XML & JSON Data Binder To .Net Code.

Xcode Dmg Download

The tool creates an optimized code from your XSD or JSON schema. Directly integrated into Visual Studio or with a command-line program. The code is generated is clean and clear. It contains strongly typed classes, properties, collections and enumerations. Helpful for produce XML/JSON or creating API, POCOs, WCF contract interface, and all kinds of uses.

CSharp or VB Code from set of schemas

The XML Objects generator of xsd2code++ is integrated into Visual Studio. Simply add a .xsd file or .JSON schema file to your C# or VB project then right-click and select 'Run xsd2code++'. Simple and powerful!

100% Native CSharp & VB code

XML & JSON Serialization

Generated classes let you read and write XML or JSON files in complete correspondence with your schemas. Many parameters allow you to change the classes, properties, and the injection of attributes to adjust the serialization process.

Intuitive User Interface

Produce code in a few clicks

.json .xsd to code from Solution Explorer

Command-Line Tools

xsd2code++ can also be used with the command-line tool for batch conversion needs. For example in case of a large volume of schemas to convert.

On pre-build event



Using the CustomTool allows you to (re)generate the code as soon as the schema is changed in your project.

Converting schemas

From Visual Studio, it is possible to directly convert an XML schema to a JSON schema and vice versa.

JSON to XSD schema


The settings are saved in the header of the file generated file. You can, therefore, reopen the configuration screen at any time to change what you need. So once you have created source code you can go back to the settings anytime.

The parameters are attached to the source file, so they are available to all the developers in a team. This makes it possible to work with or without xsd2code++.

Community Edition

Xsd2code++ community edition is a great way to get started. This edition supports a single schema and does not have all features but you will be able to use it in nany ways. Understanding how XML or JSON data binding works and how that can help you. At any time you can switch from the community edition to the full version with several license models are available. Time-limited License or perpetual fallback license.

Royalty-Free Distribution

Xcode 8 Dmg

You pay for the development licenses only. The code generated can be distributed royalty-free as part of your product.

100% Native code

The complexity of producing well constructed, reliable class libraries from XML or JSON schema can challenge any project's timeline. Xsd2code++ tool substantially streamlines and simplifies a project's development and maintenance time. The generated code is 100% native and compatible with the DotNet Framework or .Net Core. No external libraries required.