Crafting A Strong Call To Action For Conversion

Published December 22, 2009 | Categories: Web Development


Crafting effective call to action messages is essential for your business success and also essential for above the fold and your website design. Always ensure you customize your messages according to your client needs, use relevant keywords, and show the clients what they will benefit from your products and services.

  1. The specific call-to-action phrases you use and the placement of those CTAs can also have a psychological impact. 12 Effective Call to Action Phrases to Get More Conversions (And Why They Work) We know that CTAs are important for conversions, but certain types of call-to-action phrases work better than others.
  2. Try to keep your call to action near the top. If your audience is determined, they won’t mind scrolling a bit to your call to action. However, because they’re dealing with a smaller screen, you don’t want to place the call to action too far down. Optimize on all platforms. Chances are, your audience won’t only be looking at your.

Revised for 2017

What is a call to action?

A call to action (abbreviated as CTA) in marketing is a term used to prompt an immediate response or encourage a sale. Generally, a call to action is an imperative verb. The action isn’t always limited to a sale. However, it can also include another conversion point on your website like download an eBook, sign up for a webinar, get a coupon. A call to action or CTA can be typically placed anywhere within your marketing, website, blog, and email or nested within a blog post.

The goal of a call to action phrases is to create a sense of urgency. The sooner you can inspire action to your target consumers the sooner you can get people to take action.

When crafting your call-to-action, it’s easy to get sidetracked or overwhelmed so we have compiled a quick checklist to offer a bit of guidance when crafting an effective call to action.

CTA Best Practices Checklist


When designing your call to action make it large enough to stand out from other elements but that it does not appear overly aggressive. Also, be sure to use contrasting colors that fit with the overall design of your website. You can head over to and test various color schemes. Additionally, you can use images or vector art to make your CTA more attractive and gain more attention.


When crafting your CTA make sure it is clear and concise. The reader should clearly know what to expect when they click on your CTA. Remember that less is more when designing your CTA. You want to strive to use as few words as possible while clearly articulating the benefits. Whitespace is also an important element when designing any sort of call to action. Remember crowded text makes the CTA more difficult to see, so readers may pass over it.

Here is a list of 100 Call to Action Keywords to get your online ad campaigns going.

In alphabetical order.

  1. Act Now
  2. Add to your
  3. Apply today
  4. Be sure to
  5. Book now
  6. Buy and Save
  7. Buy Now
  8. Call today
  9. Check our
  10. Check out
  11. Check this out
  12. Choose your
  13. Click button
  14. Click for more
  15. Click Here
  16. Come see our prices
  17. Compare prices
  18. Contact us
  19. Contact us today
  20. Discover
  21. Do not buy unless
  22. Don’t forget to
  23. Don’t miss
  24. Don’t wait
  25. Download now
  26. Find Items
  27. Find out more
  28. Find savings
  29. Find yours
  30. Follow this
  31. Get a quote
  32. Get Free
  33. Get it here
  34. Get More Info Here
  35. Get the Best
  36. Get your
  37. Give a gift
  38. How to
  39. Hurry
  40. Investigate
  41. Join today
  42. Join us
  43. Learn more
  44. Learn to
  45. Look at
  46. Need more
  47. No obligation to try
  48. Now you can
  49. Order Now
  50. Order Your
  51. Pay Less
  52. Please see
  53. Please view our
  54. Purchase
  55. Read reviews
  56. Register
  57. Request yours today
  58. Research
  59. Respond by
  60. Rush today
  61. Save Big
  62. Save Money
  63. Save on
  64. Save Today
  65. Save up to
  66. Save with
  67. Search for
  68. Search Now
  69. Search our
  70. See deals
  71. See more
  72. See our coupon
  73. See our products
  74. See pricing
  75. Send for
  76. Shop at
  77. Shop low prices
  78. Shop now
  79. Shop online
  80. Shop today
  81. Show price
  82. Sign me up now
  83. Sign up
  84. Start now
  85. Start today
  86. Stock up
  87. Submit
  88. Take a closer look
  89. Take a look at
  90. Take a tour
  91. Tour our
  92. Try it today
  93. View all Products
  94. View features
  95. Visit our
  96. Visit us at
  97. Watch for
  98. You might also try
  99. You might consider
  100. Yours for asking

Definitely mix it up a little and add phrases to your liking.

Crafting a strong call to action for conversion pdf

Always be testing!

From John Caples Tested Advertising Methods:

ACTION– that’s the vital quality that emotional copy possesses and that “reason why” copy lacks. “Reason why” copy appeals to the the readers’ intelligence and makes them nod their heads in agreement with you. But emotional copy goes deeper. It gets into those portions of the brain where love and hate and fear and desire are. Both types of copy are important. Skillfully combine the two and you will make the readers get up out of their chairs and start for the store.

Urge the Reader to Act –Do not leave them hanging in midair. Tell them what to do. If you can give them a definite reason for immediate action, such as “Price is going up” or “Supply will soon be exhausted,” so much the better.


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Crafting A Strong Call To Action For Conversion

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Have I got your attention? Who wouldn’t do this? I’d probably visit the site several times. This is one approach to using call to action to get someone interested in your product or service. In this article, I’m going to highlight effective call to action measures that will make your marketing campaigns stand out from your competitors, and take your business to new heights of profitability, brand, and success.

Entrepreneurs strive to establish their brand in the market and maintain good relationships with prospects and clients. The question is, do you convey compelling messages that can lead to conversions or are they just going through your ads and bouncing off your page?

In marketing, an effective call to action is an essential part of your advertisement. An effective call to action tells your audience what they are supposed to do once they hit your website. Ensure you interact with your audience and use the right tools to have them take action. Also, provide enough information to get people involved. Know exactly what you want them to do. Do you want them to subscribe to your newsletter? Buy your product? Download your eBook? or give you a call?

Here are some killer tips you should implement when writing calls to action. You can also see some other tips for writing hero image text that sells here.

1. Use powerful action words to state your objective

Do you know what type of actions you’re trying to stimulate? If your answer is “yes,” then craft your message in a clear and precise manner because your audience needs to know exactly what you’re requesting them to do. Don’t go beating around the bush. Some examples are “buy now!” “download now!” “send me info” or “subscribe today!”.

Ensure you convey direct and informative messages to get that excellent click-through rate.

2. Entice your audience

Your goal is to get your audience take action and create a significant impact on your conversion rates. Proper choice of words is vital. Your messages should be able to arouse your audience into taking action. Phrasings like “subscribe today and get your free copy!” or “buy two and get one free!” trigger actions from your audience since they are aware of added benefits. Your choice of words should go hand-in-hand with proven marketing formulas.

Make your messages more appealing to sweeten the deal. In the example above, the words have changed from the initial message- “subscribe today!” to “subscribe today and get your free copy!” A little tweak on your words can increase your conversion rates by a more significant margin.

An exclamation mark is also an important part to include at the end of your phrasings. It sends a strong message to your target audience and compels them to take action.

3. Let your audience understand what’s in for them

Why should I take action? What am I benefiting? Clients and prospects may ask themselves such questions to know why they should engage your services. Am I saving money? Will this make my work easier? The answers to those question are in your messages. Bringing out this Unique Selling Point (USP) will tie clients and prospects to seeking your services, generate new leads, and increase conversions. For instance, “buy today and get free installation!” Take note you have identified what your audience needs to do (buy today) and what they’re getting in return (free installation).

4. Size of your message and call to action button

Your messages should be short and straightforward. Research has indicated that best words that trigger clients are below 150 characters. Your words should not be too short that they can’t seduce your readers, but short and sweet to trigger an action from your audience.

Also, what is the size of your CTA button? Is it too short that it can’t provoke your audience or too big to seem desperate? Ensure your button is of a standard size, visible and displays explicit messages with full information.

5. Employ the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) strategy

Crafting A Strong Call To Action For Conversion Calculator

Who would like to miss out on great deals? Nobody. FOMO is an effective motivator to one-time opportunities. No one would want to miss out on opportunities they’re not sure if they’ll come back again. Clients are triggered to act faster and grab the deals. FOMO is effective during sale promotions set for a specific time. Craft messages like, “hurry while stocks last!” “shop today, sale ends soon!” Here, time-sensitive is key. Clients and prospects will be prompted to buy before the opportunities close.

6. Include numbers in your call to action

Clients respond well when they see numbers indicating costs, discounts, promotions, and other benefits related to what they intend to buy. With numbers, you determine if you can afford the item or not. Let’s take a look at pricing information on your messages. If a client sees a specific cost on your ad and proceeds to your website, there’re high chances that the client will buy the item. On the other hand, messages without pricing details may result in a click to your website, but the client turns away since they can’t afford the item. Pricing details are meant to prepare the client psychologically on the amount they need to spend on the item.

A proper way to include numbers in your messages would be as follows “shop today for refrigerators for only $500!” This statement shows how less the client will pay compared to the normal price and triggers the FOMO element by encouraging them to buy it immediately.

7. Base your message on client testimonials

Did you know that satisfied clients are your most convincing brand ambassadors? Do you make efforts to encourage your clients to leave you positive remarks once they purchase your products? Positive feedback from your past clients initiate trust, and new clients will be more convinced to buy your products since some people have had a positive experience with them.

8. Use devices effectively

Crafting A Strong Call To Action For Conversion Pdf

Crafting killer messages involves customizing your information to devices that your audience uses. Google considers desktops and tablets to have the same user experience, while mobile devices have a different user experience. Clients searching on desktops or tablets are less likely to buy as compared to clients searching on their mobile phones. This is often because a users does not consider waiting until they get home to their desktops t0 browse your website. Phone call-centric ads on mobile devices trigger more action desktops or tablet searches. It is possible to modify a mobile sites CTA button of “call now and place your order!” to initiate the phone call.

A Final Thought:

Crafting A Strong Call To Action For Conversion Free

Crafting effective call to action messages is essential for your business success and also essential for above the fold and your website design. Always ensure you customize your messages according to your client needs, use relevant keywords, and show the clients what they will benefit from your products and services. Design your buttons in an average size that has clear information aimed at your target audience. An effective call to action is not difficult to write, but in case you experience some difficulties, seek help from professional copywriters. They will help you craft content that has high conversion rates.

Our list of landing page do’s and don’ts can also be a helpful tool to learn how to create landing pages that convert traffic into paying customers. Cowlick Studios has a number of strategies to make your call to action effective, CALL US TODAY to learn more.