Wood You Believe...


    The Grieving Self is a comforting companion on what might be a sad and lonely journey of coming to terms with loss. It is the product of a lifetime of reflection by the author on his own journey and from many years of feedback from numerous seminars on the subject of Loss and Recovery. Written in everyday language it overflows with wisdom and insights that help make sense of the darker times where it is not just our loved one who is lost but it is we who are lost without them and feel trapped in a twilight zone. It is a central tenet of the book that while loss is universal, recovery is limited. While recovery is open to all, many get stuck in unresolved grief. What are the limiting beliefs that leave us feeling stuck? How do we begin to free ourselves and arise from the ashes of defeat and disappointment? This book goes beyond the traditional manual of exploring the different stages of the grief journey. It looks at many of the less recognized aspects of grief that may be crucial to self-understanding and finding resolution. It is offered with the hope that many who feel they have to wait until they die and get to the other side in order to be reunited with their loved ones, will find that day much sooner, as they get to the other side of grief.

    By Fr. Jim Cogley

    A Spirituality of Healing and Integration, offers much needed wisdom for the spiritual landscape we find ourselves in at this time. The inspiring symbolism, intertwined with scripture, story and insights from psychology makes it a compelling read. It outlines succinctly and clearly where we have come from and where we find ourselves as church in Ireland today. But it doesnt stop there, it navigates us towards a spirituality of the future and offers a direction in which we can be orientating ourselves in religious practice.

    What we don't know can still deeply affect us! This book contains groundbreaking material that expands the horizons of self-awareness. For many people it has implications that are enormous and far reaching. It is a medical fact that more than one in eight people began their journey into life not on their own. They had a wombtwin or were part of a multiple pregnancy. It is a medical fact that for every set of twins born, at least one in five were triplets. There is ever increasing evidence that the memory of this early loss can be carried through life as a form of psychological trauma that has previously been unrecognized and usuallymisdiagnosed. The symptoms of having experienced loss in the womb, or shortly after, include: A sadness and sense of loss that persists A loneliness that eats into the bones A difficulty with close relationships A burden of guilt that is irrational A black hole that nothing can fill A tendency towards isolation A creativity that is stunted A difficulty with letting go A search that is endless A depressive mentality A restlessness of spirit A poor sense of self Whether the twin loss took place during the first few months, in the latter stages of the pregnancy, during or after birth, the symptoms seem to vary very little. Could this be you or someone that you know? If so this book could shed light on the mysterious world of what it's like to be a wombtwin survivor and point the way towards healing and recovery. Here are the stories of so many who discovered the key to the mystery that had plagued them all their lives. Written in language that is easily understood, the steps towards identification and resolution are clearly outlined. Here is a book that could truly change your life It could be the most important book you will ever read.

    Don't allow the past to determinehow your life should be in the future. Free yourself from old scripts. Bring healing to your family Tree. Remember your Ancestors Recognize old Patterns Release old Hurts Recover from Illness Reclaim your Identity Rededicate old Places Restore what was Lost Reunite with Lost Siblings Resolve old Conflicts Reflect on Abortion Revisit Memories and Places Reawaken Ancestral Gifts Reconnect with Providence Redeem your Family Tree Revive your Relationships Recover from Family Trauma These are just some of the topics covered in Wood You Believe - The Ancestral Self, where Fr. Jim Cogley, with twenty-five years experience of working in this area, combines the wisdom of spirituality and psychology, with the discipline of woodturning, to provide a multitude of fascinating symbols, life changing insights and some valuable resources for healing. Readers comments: The Ancestral Self adds an exciting new dimension to tracing your family tree. For years I have been reading self-help books and searching for answers. Now I am finally asking the right questions. The Ancestral Self is the book that many are waiting for. It contains so many keys for making sense of our lives. I never realized that a lifelong burden was older than myself and could be lifted. This is one book that delivers much more than it promises.

    Allow you deeper Self to unfold as you enjoy a fascinating journey of selfdiscovery and spiritual awareness with symbols and wisdom that speak to your soul.
    Recognize your Worth - Realize your Potential
    Reunite with your Inner Child - Resolve your Conflicts
    Reappraise your Past - Revive your Relationships
    Review your Priorities - Reawaken your Humour
    Release your Creativity - Rediscover your True Self

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Nov 24, 2020 Believe Sidney & me. We love America & freedom. Our enemies do not,” added Wood, who represented a number of clients such as JonBenet Ramsey’s parents, Herman Cain, ex-Rep.

Collection #25

Wood You Believe And More



  • Peltogyne, commonly known as purpleheart, violet wood, amaranth and other local names (often referencing the colour of the wood) is a genus of 23 species of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae; native to tropical rainforests of Central and South America; from Guerrero, Mexico, through Central America, and as far as south-eastern Brazil.
  • Wood You Believe. Hand crafted wood items that add character and design to your wall. Order your own custom piece or host a Make-&-Take Rustic Wood Party.

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Wood You Believe...Wood you believe signs$38.95


100+ Volker Scroll Saw Patterns



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Wood You Believe And More


Collection #21

Wood You Believe...$18.95

Wood You Believe It Hitman 2


Volker Arnold is a talented German artist that creates the most intricate, beautiful wood art. His projects, though quite simple to make, will impress all that see these projects. His patterns are sold as downloadable PDF files or on CDs. Take a look around, buy some patterns, and impress everyone with these unique designs!